I provide some hints below in the first spoiler tags if you need a bit of help. PLEASE try to use my mod without peeking at hints, using console commands, or posting spoilers in the forum - it will be more enjoyable if people try to follow the clues on their own. You will have to find clues in each location that hint at where you can go next. I wanted this mod to provide a little more mystery and bring back the excitement of discovering new locations, so I don't provide map markers that show you exactly where to go. It is fully compatible with any other vampire mods. You don't have to be a vampire to use these weapons. it is also a small quest that should be challenging and mysterious. This mod is a loose prequel to Coldhaven.īVW isn't just a collection of weapons.

Vampire dens, lairs, labs, forges or ruined fortresses will provide players with access to new materials, new weapons, and new enchantments that they haven't seen before. If the vampires of Skyrim are developing new weapons to help them decimate the Dawnguard, what hope do the Jarls have of protecting the populace from the undead? Will you seek out these new threats and seize them before terrors are unleashed upon the mortal races, or will you try to use these new weapons yourself to conquer and destroy?īetter Vampire Weapons adds several new (and hidden) locations across Skyrim. A bard sings of two injured survivors from an entire squad of Dawnguard that were ambushed in the mountains these men swore their companions were slaughtered with dark enchantments they had never seen before. A tale unfolds about a guard who found a commoner, dressed in rags, outside of Markarth he was half mad and suffering from frostbite, but he ranted about a vampire torturing him and conducting hideous experiments before he died. In darkened inns throughout the holds people whisper of strange disappearances. The Dawnguard are trying to help push back the darkness and make Skyrim safer, but rumors are now spreading that the Volkihar are gathering strength and seek vengeance. Travelers are frightened to leave the main roads and rarely venture out after the sun sets. Vampire attacks are on the rise across Skyrim and villagers are afraid to leave their homes at night.