The Fallout 3 portion also receives a handful of updates to align closer with New Vegas’ systems, along with multiple quality of life changes, such as the companion wheel, perks, weapon mods, crafting, and much more. Players can play through both of them rather than completing these titles in separate formats.

The Tale of Two Wastelands is a massive conversion mod that blends Fallout 3, its DLC, and Fallout: New Vegas all into a single experience. There are 45 weapons in this pack, so you can expect to carry around a new arsenal with you to make you a terror against any foe. If you’ve used nearly every gun in Fallout: New Vegas, the Weapons of the New Millenia mod provides a new selection of guns that you can use in the game. You might be able to deescalate a situation by talking folks down, but more often than not, they won’t give you a chance, and you’ll be battling it out in a desperate fight. Shootouts in the wasteland are a staple of Fallout. It takes quite a bit of time for the titan to refresh after it’s been defeated, but it’s a lot of fun to summon this huge mech and watch it unload havoc against your enemies in New Vegas. The mod gives you a perk at the start of the game called A Titan Among Men, and you can drop a massive mech into your game shortly after that. But what about a huge mech? The TitanFallout mod gives you the chance to control a Titan from Titanfall. Sure, power armor is what you want to use against hordes of enemies. There are no quests to complete, nearly any NPCs to interact with, and the only goal you need to worry about is survival. The difficulty bar goes up drastically in this mod, and your only goal is to get out of the Mojave.

Rather than giving you the traditional Fallout: New Vegas story experience, this one lowers the focus and transform the game into a survival game with bits of horror thrown in for good measure.

It’s survival of the fittest in the wasteland, and Dust highlights this. While it is a base building mod, you expect plenty of trouble to happen in your town, so you better prepare for it. If you’d rather not play Fallout 4, but enjoyed the base building system, here’s your solution. It might look a little familiar because Bethesda used the system in Fallout 4. You’ll be able to find a spot of land to lay a foundation, create a little village where you can harvest food, water, invite inhabitants to live with you and develop a town with its own trade. When you want to play something different in the Fallout: New Vegas setting, the Real-time Settler mod gives you a bit more of a unique challenge.